sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Marketing con WhatsApp


Que le parecio ese articulo de Emprendedores.es ?

T. Harv Eker

El mayor obstaculo para la riqueza es el miedo. La gente tiene miedo de pensar en grande, pero si tu piensas en pequeño, tu solo lograras cosas pequeñas.

sábado, 15 de julio de 2017

Listo !....Hace un momento publique la ultima entrada

Mike Dillard es un mentor para mucha gente, lo puede googlear para que sepas quien es, que ha hecho y que hace.

Fue tan impactante para mi la informacion que regalo, que decidi colocarla en este blog con la idea de que algo o todo lo que el enseña le pueda servir a una o muchas personas, esa es la idea, que alguien que lea esta informacion la use en su vida, la tome para mejorar lo que esta haciendo para generar ingresos, es muy raro que alguien comparta algo asi y el lo hizo.

Asi que mi unica intencion con esto es que alguien se pueda beneficiar al conocer esta informacion, muy valiosa en mi punto de vista.

Seguimos trabajando, mejorando sobretodo en lo relacionado a:

Nuestra pagina, el blog con la galeria de articulos, facebook, twitter, linkedin, anuncios que nos coloquen mejor en las busquedas de nuestros clientes o clientes a futuro mejor dicho, en fin, todo lo relacionado a mejorar la presencia en internet que es hoy en dia el medio mas utilizado para darse a conocer y claro, usar la informacion de Mike y de cualquier otra persona que nos pueda apoyar para mejorar en lo que hacemos.

Enlace Comercial

Jaime Castellanos Villarreal

Quinta entrega: 5 de 5 - Mike Dillard

Follow These 14 Rules To Ensure Long-Term Success...

If you’ve been paying attention to the online entrepreneur space for a few years, you’ve probably noticed that quite a few businesses and people have come and gone.

There are only a handful who have continued to build a lasting brand and legacy past the 10 year mark.

Well today I’d like to share some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned during my ten year career as an entrepreneur, so that you can create a thriving, successful business that will last the test of time…

These words of wisdom will help you navigate bad partnerships, protect your reputation, build valuable relationships, and much more…


1: Forget About The Money And The Money Will Come. 

If you do something for money, you're going to fail. 

Making money is the by-product or the result of helping other people solve a problem or achieve a result the’re after. 

When I finally stopped worrying about making money years ago and I just started focusing on helping others, that's when the money came and when everything really changed for me. 

Don't look for ways to make money, look for problems that you can solve for other people and you’re on the right track. 

2: Always Deliver What You've Promised... 

You only have one chance to make a great first impression, and that impression will define the relationship (or lack of), you have with your customers moving forward.

If you sell a product to somebody make sure it's delivered quickly. If you say that it's going to be there in five days, deliver it in three days. 

If you're not sure if you can meet a deadline, then either don't set one, or set the expectation in a way that allows you to exceed that expectation when the time comes. 

Getting a new customer is the most expensive and difficult part of building a business. Exceed their expectations, or they will take their business to someone else who does. 

3: Be Authentic. 

I've been told dozens of times over the years that the reason people do business with me is because I'm very real, I'm very genuine, and I'm authentic. 

In fact, every event that I've ever been to, I've been approached by somebody who says, "Wow, Mike, you're exactly the same person in real life as you are in video and on the internet." 

Some people love my personality. Other’s think I’m pretty damn boring.

It’s extremely tempting to look at the rockstars of your industry on Facebook or Instagram, and tell yourself that you need to be more like them.

That will never work. Instead, identify the unique qualities that you have, and shine a light on those.

I will never be the most energetic or entertaining personalities in my industry, but I am certainly one of the most authentic and genuine, which is more than enough.

At the end of the day, people want to buy from a friend they can trust, and the best way to create trust, is to be authentic.

4: Deliver 10X More In Value Than The Price You Charge.

Whenever you produce a product, do your best to make sure the customer is going to get 10X more value from that product than the price they paid.

This is extremely important if it’s one of your entry-level products that will be experienced by first-time customers.

If you can over-deliver on that very first experience and you leave them saying, "Wow, this was amazing. I can't believe I got all of this for that little money," then you've just set yourself up to have a customer for life.

5: Never Make A Decision Based On Money. 

You’re going have many opportunities to promote products and services to your audience that might not be the highest quality, but they can put a significant amount of money in your pocket.

Don’t do it.

Do what’s right for your customers, and you’ll never have to worry about money. 

Sell them out for cash, and you’ll quickly find yourself with very little of it. 

6: Find Your Business, And Then Stick With It…

During the past ten years, I’ve started three companies. The first two exceeded $25MM in revenue each within five years.

In both cases, I’d gotten bored and lost interest in them around the five year mark, and walked away.

Now I’m starting over from scratch with my third company.

And yet I’ve had some colleagues who started their companies ten years ago as well, and they’ve stuck with it year after year. 

Today, they’re sitting behind the wheel of substantial businesses that are worth incredible amounts of money.

It takes time to build something truly valuable. Have patience.

7: When You Screw Up, Admit it And Apologize.

While I strive to be the best that I can, I am not perfect. I'm human just like you and mistakes are going to happen.

When they do, just admit them.

I can promise you this.. Your customers are going to forgive you and respect you that much more if you acknowledge what happened and apologize for it.

In fact, this is your single greatest opportunity to build the highest levels of trust imaginable with your customers because so few people or companies will have the courage to be completely honest and transparent.

Tell the truth, apologize, make it right any way that you can, and you’ll turn your biggest challenge into your biggest win.

8: Provide The Best Customer Service Possible.

This is pretty simple… Treat your customers as you'd like to be treated.

Make sure it’s easy to reach your customer service department, and make sure your customer service department is trained unbelievably well, because they are representations of you and your personal brand.

9: Never Argue With A Customer.

If a customer is angry or rude, give them a refund and respectfully say thank you.

You don't know what's going on in their life.

Maybe they had a death in the family. Maybe they've got a spouse in the hospital. Maybe they were fired yesterday. Maybe they've got a legitimate emotional disorder that they're on medication for.

You don't know who these people are, why they're being rude or mean, and there's no reason to reciprocate that. Just let them go, say thanks, do what you need to do to make them happy, and wish them well and on their way.

With that being said, if someone continues to treat you or your team with disrespect, by all means fire them.

Give them a refund, remove them from your database, and wish them well.

They're never worth the money to deal with.

If someone shows up on any of my social media pages or my blog and wants to be a jerk, it's very simple... I block them.

If they send a nasty email, we remove them from our list and we don't let them buy our products anymore.

Basically, life is too short to deal with assholes, so don’t.

10: Say Thank You Sincerely And Often.

Tell your team and your customers how much you appreciate them. If you don't, they're going to go buy from somebody else who does.

11: Don’t Try To Please Everyone.

You're never going to be able to please everyone, and attempting to do so will make you look like some kind of politician who's one day saying, "I believe in this," and the other day saying, "I believe in that."

Your authenticity goes out the window, so stick to your beliefs even when that pisses other people off. (Because it will).

One of my favorite quotes from Dan Kennedy sums it up pretty well… “If you haven’t pissed someone off by noon each day, you aren’t marketing hard enough.”

If Jesus had haters, you and I are screwed. Stand up for your mission and what you believe in without compromise, and you’ll build a loyal following. The haters on the other side are the required proof that you’re succeeding.

12: Never Burn A Bridge Over Money. 

I've seen partnerships and joint ventures often fall apart over a financial dispute.

At the end of the day, my philosophy on this is very simple: always give the other person the benefit of the doubt and the money that is in question.

It is only dirty paper and burning a bridge or screwing somebody over for that money is the quickest way to end up at the bottom from a reputation standpoint in your industry.

The person fighting for the money tends to be the one coming from the greatest place of insecurity. They’re afraid they won’t be able to make more, so they have to fight for what they’re losing.

If you have the ability and skills to start a new business and make more, let it go and focus on production and creativity as quickly as possible. The return on that will always be 10X more than what you were fighting over.

13: Stand Up For Yourself.

As you achieve higher levels of success, there’s a good chance you’ll become a modest celebrity in your niche.

When you become one of the top experts in any field, you're going to get attention.

Most of the people that you have contact with are going to be fans of yours who really appreciate you.

You're also going to have haters and trolls who show up. It comes with the territory. The more successful you become, the more these people tend to come out of the woodwork.

Should you find yourself the target of one of these mentally unstable people who wish to harm you or your business, here’s what you can do...

First, try to disarm the situation or to deal with their complaints in a really peaceful, proactive manner. 

I'll reach out to them, whether it's a phone call or an email, and listen to their grievance.

The fit they’re throwing online is usually just a sign that they want to be heard, so hear them.

If there’s something I can do to try and make them happy, I’ll do that.

Yet there are some circumstances when that person really doesn’t want a solution. Their goal is to simply try to make your life miserable, because their life is miserable and they want you to share in the fun.

If you can't find a reasonable solution for the problem and they won't go away… If they’re they're attacking your reputation or harming your business, then your final option is to pursue legal action.

Unfortunately, I've had to do that a time or two. It's not fun, but at the same time your reputation is your business. You must protect it at ALL costs.

The good news is that these people are usually cowards. When they get a notice that they're going to be sued, they tend to go away very quickly.

14: Thank Your Mentors.

Finally, remember to thank your mentors. None of us can build a business or acquire new skills alone, and your gratitude is their oxygen.

The single best way to start a relationship with someone that you've learned from or that you look up to, is to let them know that they've made a positive impact on your life.

Don’t ask them for something. Don’t try to take more from them.

GIVE. Say THANK YOU. Send a testimonial, send a video, go shake their hands at an event.

Every single time I've done that, it's created the opportunity to build a closer, long-term relationship.

The people I once looked up to became my friends and my colleagues, and it always started with a “thank you”.

So these are my 14 rules for long-term success…

I’m confident that if you follow them, you’ll build a business and a reputation that will place you at the top of your industry.

If you enjoyed this week’s series, please reply to this email and let me know… I’d love to hear from you, and please tell which parts you found most valuable…

- Mike Dillard

viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

Cuarta entrega: 4 de 5 - Mike Dillard

Part 4: How To Build REAL Wealth And Passive Income...

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face as an entrepreneur, is learning how to responsibly use the money your business starts to make.

Going from $5,000/Mo in income, to $50K/Mo is amazing, but it will require you to make some significant mental adjustments, or you could quickly find yourself a slave to an expensive new lifestyle.

Making money and creating financial freedom are two completely different things

I’ve had to learn this lesson the hard way over the course of my career, so today I want to prevent you from making the same mistake, and answer an incredibly important question you need to ask yourself… 

“What are you going to do with the money your business makes?”

Should you buy a fancy new car? An expensive house? Diamonds or a new watch?

Or should you invest it, and of so, in what?

If you want to build real wealth and actual financial independence, the smart answer is to invest that money, and to invest it in assets that produce real passive income.

So today I’m going to walk you through an investment that I’ve personally made, but before I do that, I want to point out why this strategy is so important to your financial security and prosperity by comparing it to what most other people do.

If you look at the typical American family or retirement strategy, it sounds something like this…

You work your tail off for 40 years, putting money into a savings account or a mutual fund or an IRA or 401(k). 

And you do this with one objective in mind... To build a big enough nest egg to sustain you for the rest of your life once you retire, around the age of 60 or 65.

Basically you have 40 years to build up this nice, big, shiny pile of cash that you now have to live off of, which means it slowly declines every single month. 

When that retirement day comes, what you have, is what you have, and now you have to guess how much longer you’re going to live and how much money you’re going to need to buy food and pay for health insurance, car insurance, and everything else that you’re going to need to sustain yourself.

In order to pay your monthly expenses, you must consume the money that you’ve accumulated, which means every single month you get more poor.

Think about that… Every single month, your level of poverty and financial insecurity gets worse.

So what would happen to your business if you pursued it with the same strategy?

If you stopped selling products and producing income today, but your business expenses continued?

You’d go bankrupt.

So the official retirement plan for 99% of American’s is literally, insolvency.

Do you see how ridiculous and backwards that is?

Obviously, we’re going to say, “screw that” and we’re going to do the exact opposite.

Our goal is build a business that produces cash, and then use that cash to invest in assets that produce more cash on a passive basis every single month.

So let me walk you through a real world example of how I’ve done that so you can do the same if you’d like...

First and foremost, we need to find an asset to invest in that does two things…

First, it has to produce cash flow, and second it has to reduce taxes which is going to become a very important part of our strategy.

That basically leaves us with three options...

Rental real estate, such as a multi-family property, or commercial office space.

You have oil and gas investments which have cash flow components and tax advantages.

And then you have small businesses like car washes, billboards, laundromats, etc.

The next thing that we’re going to do is make sure that finding and managing these investments takes as little of our time as possible.


Because the single biggest return on investment you can make as an entrepreneur is your own company.

As an example, if you take the $3.2 million dollars in revenue my last company made in its very first week of business, and you divided that revenue by the start up costs that I incurred to create and start that company, there’s no way another investment could even come close to that kind of return.
My startup costs to build the website and produce the first set of video lessons was about $10,000 dollars, which means my ROI within the first 7 days of launching that company, was 32,000%.

You can’t get a return like that anywhere else in that short of a time period, outside of starting your own company, so we want to make sure that that’s where our time continues to stay focused.

One of Warren Buffett’s most famous quotes is, “Invest in what you know”.

Well as an entrepreneur, I’m not a master when it comes to real estate or oil and gas, or the stock market, but I am a master when it comes to building businesses that produce cash flow.

That’s why I need to stay focused on my business 100% of the time and why you need to do the same.

If you don’t have the time or the desire to learn and master investment strategies like real estate, what do you do?

Well, it’s very simple... You acquire a team of people who have.

I found the best real estate investors that I could find several years ago and I invested my money with them.

So in reality, I’m not investing in an apartment complex, I’m investing in people, their track record, and their level of expertise because they are the ones that are going to go out and invest my money.

So, the two best firms that I found when it comes to this, and that I’ve done business with is Thrive here in Austin, run by my friends JP and Adrian.

And M.C. Companies out of Scottsdale, which is run by my good friend Ken McElroy, who many of you will recognize from his work with Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad Team.

Here’s a picture of the very first apartment that I ever invested in..
This was with JP and Adrian and it’s called Hidden Oaks, down in San Antonio Texas.

Now there are basically two requirements that you have to meet in order to invest in a firm like JP’s or Ken’s...

The first is that you have to be an accredited investor. To be an accredited investor, you need to have a net worth of at least one million dollars, (which does not include the value of your primary residence), or you have to have an income of at least 200,000 dollars per year for the last two years.

If you meet either one of these qualifications, you’re considered accredited.

The second qualification that you’ll need is the ability to meet their minimum investment requirement for a share in a deal which is typically $100,000 dollars.

What if you don’t have a $100,000? What if you’re not accredited yet?

That simply means that you’re in a position right now where you need to spend a 100% of your time and energy on growing your business and building your income until you reach that point. (And I can definitely help you do that).

Nonetheless, this information is extremely important to you right now even if you don’t have the money, because it’s going to help you create the right kind of goal down the road.

So, how did the project go? How did that investment work out?

Very well…

In fact, I ended up writing them a check for a share in the complex for a $100,000, and overthe next two years I made $32,000 in profit.

That’s obviously a 32% return, or as I like to think of it, an extra $16,000 per year in passive income.

And beyond a few hours to review the deal and sign the papers, I didn’t have to spend a single minute of my time making that money.

This allowed me to stay 100% focused on my number one investment, which is once again, my business.

So let’s say that you’re really happy with these results, and you re-invest that $132K back into another apartment complex.

For simplicity’s sake, we’ll keep the same ROI of 16% per year.

So at the end of Year 1, you’re going to have $153,120 dollars.

By the end of year 5, you’ll have $277,245.

By year 10, you’ll have $582,309.

By year 20, that $132,000 has turned into $2,568,820.

Your ROI, (or passive income) in year 21 would be $411,000+ per year.

Now you’re making money and living a fantastic lifestyle, instead of spending money and getting increasingly stressed with every check that you write.

This kind of information, combined with contacts like JP and Adrian, is THE difference between achieving a life of true financial freedom, and just making more money that gets spent on toys and liabilities.

Tomorrow we'll dive into Part 5, so stay tuned!

- Mike Dillard

jueves, 13 de julio de 2017

Tercera entrega: 3 de 5 - Mike Dillard

Part 3: The Transparent Truth, (with screenshots), About Leads And Revenue Generation...

Well today we get to dive into the “good stuff”... Traffic, leads, and revenue. 

In fact, I’m going to show you how to make over $288,000 in profit per month, by making one single post on Facebook.

But before we dive into that, I have a quick message for the 150+ readers who sent in submissions for the copywriting position I'm currently hiring for... 

Many of you are sending multiple emails to me asking when you can expect a response.

I'm going through all 150+ submissions personally. I'll contact the top 10 finalists via email sometime next week. If you do not get a response from me, it means that your submission did not make the cut.

Alright, back to today's training session...

The unfortunate reality is that millions of people start new businesses every year, and yet most of them do so without the faintest idea of how to actually market and sell their products or services. 

As I’m fond of saying, there’s the amateur way to market, and the professional way...

Amateurs take blind actions hoping something will stick… They post on social media all day, they write blog posts, articles, and post videos, literally keeping their fingers crossed that someone will eventually buy their stuff.

They think that marketing and selling products online is either luck, or magic.

On the other hand, if you approach the marketing process like a professional, amazing things are possible.

In fact, let's talk about lead generation, or building an email list specifically...

As you can see here, my business routinely produces over 1,300 email subscribers every single day, or over 40,000 per month, and makes over $400,000/Mo in sales...

So here’s how that’s done…

The very first step that’s required to get sell your product, is ATTENTION.

You can’t make a sale if people don’t know that you exist, so we need to get a lot of attention, and we need to get it from the right groups of people. 

(Getting the attention of thousands of vegetarians won’t do you any good if you’re selling steaks).

And if your goal is to build a sustainable, 7-figure+ business, we need to get the attention of thousands of people per day at a minimum.

There’s two ways to do that…

1: You can become the “dancing bear” and essentially host your own social media show as you document and post your life 60 seconds at a time, 10 times per day on Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube, or Facebook.

While this can be incredibly effective at getting attention and building rapport with people, it’s a horrible way to actually build a company.


First, it’s a treadmill you can never get off of. The moment you stop posting, your influence starts fading, so dance bear, dance, and don’t ever stop…

And second, you have no control over who sees your posts.

Over the past few years, every single platform has introduced algorithms that control how many of your followers actually see your posts. And the numbers aren’t good. On average, only 1 in 10 people will even see the post you just made.

For example, my Facebook Fan Page has 75,000 followers, and yet only a tiny fraction of them will see my posts unless I pay Facebook $250 - $500 to “Boost” each and every post I want seen. These aren’t strangers… The are my fans who expect to hear from me, and yet I have zero control over that unless I pay up. The same goes for Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.

2: The second way to get the attention of 1,000’s of people per day, is to do what I do, (and what I’d suggest you do…)

I buy it.

Instead of getting people’s attention doing the dancing bear routine every day, I simply advertise on these platforms.

For example… A few months ago I spent about 20 minutes making this short video ad. Since then it’s been viewed by over 1 million people.

I recorded it once, and I’ve never hard to touch it again. Ads like these become your dancing bear, so you can stay focused on building your business.

Now I know what you’re thinking…

“Advertising sounds great Mike, but it costs money. What am I supposed to do if I’m broke?”

Great question, and I have an answer…

The solution to this problem is called a Self-Liquidating Offer, or an SLO for short.

This is a low-cost entry level product, (traditionally under $100), that you can offer your prospects immediately after they click on your ad.

For example, when I started selling online 10 years ago, I advertised my E-Book on attraction marketing for $39.

The sales from this product were designed to do one thing… Immediately recoup 100%+ of my ad costs.

Once you do that, you’ve won.

Your customers have just paid for 100% of your marketing costs, which means you can continue to advertise for free indefinitely, without spending money out of your pocket.

So let’s say that you were going to do something similar…

Each day you spend $100 dollars on Facebook ads and in return, you acquire 20 new email list subscribers.

When those 20 subscribers join your list, they’re offered to chance to buy your e-book for $40.

Out of every 20 subscribers, 3 of them buy your book.

$40 x 3 = $120 in revenue.

Congratulations… You’re now generating leads and sales without spending a dime out of your pocket.

You’ve spent $100, and for that $100 you’ve gotten 20 new list subscribers, 3 new customers, and have generated $120 in revenue.

So not only are your leads free at this point, but you’ve got an extra $20 in your pocket at the end of the day.

Now the rules have the game have changed completely, because when you spend money, you’re making money.

So what if you started spending $1,000 per day on advertising instead of $100?

Well you’d have 200 new list subscribers, 30 new customers, and $1,200 in revenue, giving you $200 in profit.

If we add those numbers up for each month, that’s 6,000 new list readers per month, 900 new customers, and $6,000 in profit.

This is how professionals build massive lists within months instead of years.

This is how you can make money, without having to use your money, because your customers are essentially funding the campaign.

Does it work?

You tell me…

Here are my sales during a 90 day quarter from this past year…
Yep, just over $1.23 million in 90 days. But how much did I actually spend on advertising to generate that revenue?

I’ll show you…

Here’s a screenshot from my FB ad account:

As you can see here, I spent $375,950 during the exact same 90 day period, which means I walked away with a net-profit of $864,030.

That’s an average profit of $9,600 per DAY, or $288,010 per MONTH.

So this is how real business owners get attention and traffic at scale, and then turn that attention into revenue.

Until you master this process, you’ll be digging through the social media ditches begging for likes and views.

But if you start to treat your business like a business, and start to take your advertising seriously, then the sky’s the limit…

And by the way, thank you all for the kind words and feedback about this week's training series...

Stay tuned tomorrow, for Part 4...

- Mike Dillard

miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

Segunda entrega: 2 de 5 - Mike Dillard

Part 2 of 5: How To Become The Hunted, Instead of The Hunter...

As a shy, introverted young man in my early 20’s, I was faced with a significant dilemma… 

There was nothing more that I wanted in the world than to own my own business, and yet there was nothing that I wanted to do less, than sell a product or service. 

Unfortunately, cash flow is the lifeblood of any business and cash flow comes from selling. 

I would have to find a solution, or relegate myself to a life of corporate mediocrity… (And there was no way in hell that was going to happen).

Necessity is the mother of all invention, and as I pondered my predicament, something occurred to me…

The most successful entrepreneurs I knew… The guys and girls that I looked up to, studied, and wanted to learn from… Didn’t have to chase after a sale.

They weren’t picking up the phone and cold-calling prospects.

They weren’t collecting business cards, or “hustling” for a sale…

Their customers were pursuing them. 

They were the one’s speaking from stage and taking pictures with the audience afterward. 

They were the one’s being interviewed on podcasts, or on the cover of industry magazines. 

If anything, they were having to turn away potential clients and customers because they were so busy. 

And that led me to ask a question that would change my life forever…

“How can I become the hunted, instead of the hunter?”

How can I get customers to call me, instead of the other way around?

Soon enough, I’d found my answer, and from a very unexpected source…

The dating world. 

One of my mentor’s Eben had spent the past 10 years studying human relationship dynamics, and the root causes of “attraction” between people.

And what we both discovered, is that the exact same social dynamics that creates a romantic attraction between two people, can create a social attraction between you and your potential business prospects. 

Have you ever asked yourself…

What makes a person attractive to others?

Why do groupies flock irrationally to celebrities and rock stars?

Why do people become “famous”?

Why do some women find certain men completely irresistible even if they’re dead, broke, and usually jerks?

Why can you throw 10 complete strangers in a group together and, within minutes, a leader will emerge that the others will follow?

And, most of all, how do you tap into this phenomenon and become pursued yourself?

Well the answer lies in basic human psychology, so that’s where we need to start.

What I’m about to share with you is at the core of human-to-human attraction.

The first thing you need to understand is that attraction is not a choice.

It’s a biological/instinctual trigger that evolved millions of years ago to help keep you alive, which is usually why it’s never consciously understood or perceived by people until they actually start to study it.

Here’s a very basic historical illustration…

By nature, people thrive and live in social groups. We cannot survive on our own, so we formed tribes and families.

Members of that group follow a leader until they gain enough experience and confidence to challenge for leadership themselves or start their own group.

This is a survival instinct that has been ingrained in us.

The leader (usually referred to as the Alpha) is typically the strongest and most dominant individual in the group or family, both physically and mentally. One of his primary responsibilities is to protect his group, and, in return for that protection, they follow him.

That instinct is still present today, but the inherent value of a leader is now expressed through different abilities such as business savvy, sociability, monetary means, and education.

Essentially, we are hardwired to find other people attractive or unattractive based on the level of value they have to offer, because we gain a portion of their power/value through association.

Think of a celebrity and his or her entourage.

The people in their group gain social status through their association with him or her, making them more attractive to others. They become “cooler” and more attractive to other people outside the group who want in.

There are two important lessons here:

1. People have a subconscious attraction to others who convey leadership qualities and have a high level of personal value.

2. If you want to make it to the top of your industry, you must become a leader with value to offer others, and proactively convey those qualities in your marketing efforts.

So where you YOU currently stand?

Do you have real confidence? Are you an Alpha leader in your industry? 

Here’s a simple, but very effective test you can take immediately to find out… 

Next time you’re out in public and you make eye contact with an attractive person of the opposite sex, notice when you break eye contact with them.

Did you look down and away first, or did they?

If you looked away first, you likely have a Beta or Pre-Alpha state of mind. If you held the gaze until they looked away, you’re probably an Alpha.

Then, ask yourself if you’re worried about what that person thought of you. Did you wonder what they were thinking? Were you concerned about being judged? If so, then you’re in a Beta or Pre-Alpha mindset.

Well, here’s the interesting part: The category you’re in, (Alpha, Pre-Alpha, or Beta), is determined not by money, experience, the job you have, or anything else for that matter.

It’s solely determined by your state of mind, which is not given or bestowed upon you by others. 

Rather, your current category reflects your personal beliefs about yourself.

You, and only you, decide which of these three categories you are in, and you can choose to change categories anytime you want… IF you have the courage to do so. 

Society will either agree with you and comply, or will chastise you for being a “poser,” depending upon whether or not your actions are congruent with your beliefs.

This is called your, “frame” or state of mind.

You cannot fake belief. You cannot pretend or act. 

You truly believe you are, or that you are not.

You will likely feel like a “poser” when you start to adopt and accept a new belief system about yourself. You will likely get “caught” by an Alpha prospect who can sense that you’re not being genuine yet. But that’s the key word . . . yet.

That’s what people talk about when they mention “fake it until you make it.” 

Faking it does not mean lying; it simply means that you’re going to struggle a bit as you go through the process of moving from a follower to an up-and-coming leader, and eventually to a recognized leader.

Challenging your current views about yourself and acting like a different person is a scary, yet wonderfully rewarding activity.

So how do you become the hunted instead of the hunter?

If you have genuine value to offer others, they will seek you out.

In order to become more valuable, you must acquire useful knowledge and skills that few others have, and demonstrate the results you can produce with your skillset.

Results create confidence, and confidence creates attraction.

And when people come to you… When they seek you out, selling becomes effortless, and incredibly enjoyable.

As for my story…

I taught myself new skills in the form of copywriting and Google Adwords, and I started producing results.

Soon enough, others in my industry were asking me for advice. I had become valuable. 

I stopped trying to push my products or services onto others, and I started providing that value to them for free by sharing my knowledge online, which put me in a public position of leadership.

And once I was in a position of leadership, I became the hunted, and people started buying my products.

Attraction is a fascinating thing, and an absolute super power once you create it.

Stay tuned... Tomorrow I'll teach you how to tons of traffic, and generate endless new leads, subscribers, and followers for free. 

- Mike Dillard